Thursday Jul 12th, 2018
New rules for landlords and tenants
What does this mean for renters in Ontario?
Landlords in Ontario will have to provide their tenants with a new 13-page residential tenancy agreement and standardized lease that has been set out in strict terms by the Ontario Government.
No longer will each residential tenancy agreement look completely different than the next. One of the many benefits is that sneaky clauses (like no pets – unless condo rules prohibit) are not found in this document. There can be schedules to include duties of the tenant, for example, snow removal or trash removal. Always be sure to understand the attached schedule before signing the agreement as there could be attempted liberties that contravene the Landlord and Tenant Board rules.
The provincial residential tenancy agreement does not have any illegal clauses. Hopefully, this will simplify the process when disagreements occur between tenant and landlord.
There is a provision that if a tenant requests a copy of their lease and doesn’t get it within 21 days, they can withhold one month’s rent. If the landlord doesn’t produce it after that month, the tenant wouldn’t be required to repay it.

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