Tuesday Sep 05th, 2017
How To Help Your Contractor
We’ve all been in situations where someone who is trying to help is actually making things more difficult. You know they’re just trying to be nice, but it’s hard to tell them to stop. Have you ever stopped to think that this is exactly what your contractor is going through while you’re trying to “help” them drill holes or put up drywall? We hate to admit it, but sometimes you’re doing more harm to your home than you might think by trying to help your contractor.
You hired a professional for a reason, and while it may be difficult to give up control of your home, for the best results you need to take a step back and remove yourself.
The More Details The Better
Having all of the information upfront is the best way for the company to know exactly what they’re dealing with.
As many measurements, as much history and as many photos from as many angles as you can. The larger the project, the more true this is. A project will be completed much faster when a contractor knows everything they would learn after entering the client’s home. In contracting, too much information is rarely a bad thing.
The more efficient you can be, the easier it will be for the crew to avoid delays or misunderstandings. Make sure your final selections, layouts, and drawings are all in order so the work can continue seamlessly.
Don’t Cut Costs On Important Steps
Renovations are always hard on your bank account, but when you’re paying to have something big done to your home, like an extension or new kitchen, don’t try to cut costs at important steps. People who try to save money by hiring a cost-effective engineer will end up costing them more in the long run. Many situations occur when the drawings provided by the client’s engineer are not up to code. Or a kitchen designer that wants to change the layout of the space and is not possible because it wouldn’t pass the city inspections.
Leave It To The Pros
You called in a professional for a reason. This means that you should not try and fix the problem before they get there. Leave that leaking dishwasher where it is and do not start taking parts out and duct-taping before the company arrives. Simon says that by trying to fix the problem yourself, it actually makes it more difficult to diagnose and properly repair the original problem.
Avoid trying to “make space” in your home before the crew arrives. People will often move things around in an effort to help and that sometimes this inadvertently create obstacles on site. If you’re concerned your furniture is in the way, wait until the crew has arrived as ask them if moving things around would be helpful.
You Got This
We know it can be hard to give up control, especially when it comes to your home. This is why hiring a company you can trust is so important. Once you’ve done your research, read reviews, and hired a company, you need to trust them to do the job they’ve been hired for.
This doesn’t mean you need to remove yourself completely from the process. It is recommended to inspect the work when you can and document the stages of the project. A reputable company should have no issues giving you progress reports and letting you know what’s going on at any point in the project.
While giving up control is never easy, we hope you can take a back seat on your next home renovation project.

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