Thursday May 17th, 2018
The 10 Easiest to Maintain Landscaping Ideas
Seeing your home at the end of a long day should be one of the most comforting experiences you have, and nothing can spoil this more than a lawn in desperate need of care.
Whether you’ve never put any effort into your home’s landscaping or it once looked magazine-ready but has gradually become unsightly over the years, many homeowners simply don’t have the time, patience or finances to devote to lawn care — and that’s totally fine!
Rock Garden
Don’t have time to water or mow the lawn? Why not skip the lawn altogether? Install a stone or rock garden for a unique look that will turn heads while requiring almost no upkeep on your part!
Similar to rock gardens, hardscaping is an install-once-and-enjoy-forever solution. Simply cover your lawn with large stones and tiles for a smooth surface that’s ready hundreds of activities — except watering and regular upkeep!
While you’ll only get the full effect at night, lighting will add sophistication and drama to any lawn. Some light designs can also function as stylish pieces on their own, improving your lawn’s aesthetic when they’re not even on.
Potted Plants
Once you install a garden bed in your lawn, you’re then obligated to keep plants growing or be stuck with an empty plot of land. With potted plants, if you find you don’t have the time to properly maintain your plants then simply remove the pot and it’s like it was never there!
Outdoor Seating
Not only will outdoor seating fill up more space on your lawn that you won’t have to upkeep, but it will probably also ensure that you’ll actually spend more time outdoors enjoying your yard.
Automatic Sprinklers
Can’t find the time to water the grass? Install automatic sprinklers and you’ll never have to think about it again.
High-Quality Soil
Despite your best efforts, it will be very difficult for plants and vegetation to survive in sub-par soil. Set your lawn up for success by using the right soil from the beginning. Words like organic and chemical-free are your friend here.
Good-quality mulch will easily fill up space on your lawn and provide a nice contrast to whatever else is there. Besides its visual appeal, it’s one of the most practical things you can add to your lawn. Mulch will retain the moisture in your soil, meaning that you’ll have to water the area significantly less.
Don’t want to plant new plants every year? Fill your lawn with perennials, which will keep coming back year after year. Popular options like sedum, coneflower, monarda and coreopsis are nice additions that will survive whatever winter throws its way.
Artificial Grass
If you truly want to do nothing but have a vibrant green lawn, then artificial grass is your best bet. Although it may be a polarizing option with some people in favour and others strongly opposed, if you never want to worry about watering, seeding or mowing then, by all means, go for it!

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