Tuesday Jun 04th, 2019
5 Ways To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer
Canada is known for its frigid winters, but many tend to forget that our summers are also far from mild. After months of dreary weather, it’s hard to imagine that we will feel warm, let alone hot, ever again. This year, don’t let the hot weather take you by surprise. Take on these 5 projects and make sure that you stay comfortable and cool once the summer heat sets in.
Have Your Air Conditioner Serviced
The first step is a must-do for anyone who relies on air conditioning in the summer months. Every year, we hear from homeowners who were stuck in the sweltering heat for days after their air conditioner broke down. The only way to avoid this kind of mishap is to have your unit serviced by an HVAC specialist before the start of the summer season. By having your unit regularly serviced, you can also improve its efficiency by around 5 percent. Whether it’s to avoid the inconvenience of a broken unit or to save on cooling expenses, hire a pro to give your system a once over before summer is in full swing.
Inspect Windows and Doors
If you have trouble regulating the temperature in your home, inefficient windows could be the culprit. Over time, the weatherstripping or caulking used to insulate your windows becomes worn down and cracked. Eventually, your windows will no longer be able to keep cold air in and hot air out. Luckily, a handyman can re-seal your windows relatively quickly.
On the other hand, if your windows have seen better days, you should consider having them replaced with Energy Star certified models. These specialized windows will improve the efficiency of your home as a whole, increase your home’s market value, and reduce noise pollution.
Insulate the Attic
Speaking of wasted energy, a poorly insulated attic is another major source of hot and cold air loss. Adding insulation to your attic is quick, relatively inexpensive, and can significantly lower the cost of cooling your home. Depending on square footage, this project will cost anywhere from one to two thousand dollars, however, experts estimate that homeowners can expect to see a minimum return of 100% on their investment.
Add Blinds
Curtains and blinds can also help reduce your home’s temperature. While it’s not necessary to have blinds installed in every room with windows, it’s a good idea to cover the windows in the south and west-facing rooms. It’s also worth mentioning that if you or your family have trouble sleeping in the heat, you should consider investing in blackout blinds for the bedrooms. Not only will you get the benefit of lowered cooling costs, but you’ll also have more privacy. Plus, with so many beautiful designs on the market, you can seamlessly integrate these fixtures into your home’s design.
Install a Programmable Thermostat
One way to ensure your home stays cool without adding to the cost of your energy bills is to install a programmable thermostat. A basic model enables you to vary your heating and cooling settings based on time of day. In other words, you can program your system to use less energy while you’re out of the house. Newer models will use sensors to gauge your family’s routine and automatically adjust for optimal energy use. These systems are typically easy to use and can be installed quickly with the help of pro.
It’s time to stop cursing the sun and start enjoying the heat by making sure your home stays cool and comfortable this summer. You can lower your power bills, improve your home’s market value, and make your time indoors a lot more enjoyable.

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